Thoracic Digestive and Hepato-biliary Surgery
Dr. Jean-Philippe BILLET
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September 7 & 8, 2023
Ecole de Chirurgie de Nancy - Hopital Virtuel de Lorraine
Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, Lorraine, FRANCE.
2 400€ Tax included (20%)
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​We are excited to present a special European workshop on thoracic and digestive surgery led by the esteemed Dr. Jean Philippe Billet, an EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery and Member of European College of Veterinary Surgeons! This comprehensive training session offers an unparalleled opportunity to enhance your surgical skills and learn from a distinguished expert in the field of veterinary surgery.
During this interactive workshop, you will have the chance to explore various techniques and approaches in thoracic and digestive surgery.
Dr. Billet's vast experience and in-depth knowledge will provide invaluable insights and hands-on learning opportunities, making this event essential for veterinary professionals looking to expand their expertise in these areas.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from a respected authority in thoracic and digestive surgery.
Places are limited, so register now to secure your spot in this exceptional workshop!
We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event!